Monday, August 14, 2017

School Supplies

So, my 4 big kids are going to school in the fall. Craftymama tried to make a democratic free school and when she began she had all the community support and enrolment needed and then VIHA and the Ministry of Education out a halt to it, so she worked through all their red tape, and was certified and able to go but could not get the entollment. Iss for the best, Craftymama wanted a democratic free school to exist, but I don't think she really wanted to run one. 

However, she is also very done with staying home with this kids. This summer had been so challenging for her with all of them home. The girls went to school last year, their choice. So we made the decision to send the older boys as well this year so Craftymama can focus on her doula work, and so that,  hopefully, everyone is happier. I'm nervous for my boys, but maybe I'll get into that on another entry. 

Tonight - we went school supply thoughts are as follows: 
  • I have 4 kids going to school, and needed 13 erasers. This is stupid. 
  • BigR is in grade 6 and needs: 10 duotangs, a 2" binder with 400 sheets of paper, and a note book - there are not even 10 school subjects. WTF is he putting in all of those?
  • Again, I have 4 children going to school - and I needed 5 pairs of scissors. Stupid.
  • Also, 6 pencil sharpeners.
  • Purchased 100 pencils tonight, am convinced they snack on them at lunch time.
  • Was required to buy a non bendy ruler, noticed that they no longer make those wooden rulers available (likely due to some kid cutting himself on that damn metal part).
  • What is a key tab notebook? And if it is not available in a common, well stocked, big box store - then I shouldn't have to buy it. So I didn't. 
  • Remember when the school had headphones for people to use? Yeah, now you have to supply them, and they aren't cheap, and there are 4 children, and they can't be ear buds.
  • I bought 15 Tupperware containers for lunches - I give it 3 weeks of school before matching lids no longer exist. 
  • Why does a backpack cost $5 and a lunch bag (about 1/6th the size) cost $20?
  • If you ever want to see women coming together, supporting each other - send them school supply shopping at 9p. 

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