Monday, April 22, 2013

R the toothless wonder

Oh my dorky looking R. He has now lost 5 teeth, two of them in the last week. As you can see he is missing his top two teeth. He looks quite funny in my opinion. The tooth fairy has been visiting often bringing treasures of rocks, mini books, toothbrushes and stickers. She is well appreciated.

That being said, R is beginning to question his belief in magic - proclaiming that there is no Santa Claus or the tooth fairy and that it's just us pretending. Though in the same breath, he will gladly believe in said fairy and not question anything as soon as he has lost a tooth.

He is getting to that age where magic is a little less real, and reality is a lot more believable. It's an awkward age. We don't want him influencing the other kids because we want them to enjoy the magic for as long as possible, yet he is at the age where we cannot outright lie to him because that just becomes deceiving. So far we have answered his questions without lying by asking him what he thinks and why he thinks that, but I think this year will be the last year for R believing in Santa Claus at Christmas. Then we will have to have a talk with him about letting the littler kids continue to believe. I don't think that will be too much to ask. My sister's didn't ruin it for me and let me find out in my own time, so maybe it's a sibling thing. Or a kid thing. Maybe they remember what it's like to believe in magic and don't want to ruin it, or maybe there is just enough threatening on the part of the parents so that they are afraid to tell ha ha ha ha.

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