Monday, March 25, 2013

The Start of Spring Break

Spring Break has officially started! We are a week behind public schools, and get two weeks off. We have no grand plans. Just some appointments, some seeing of family, and lots of time outside while the weather is beautiful. Craftymama has no idea what she is going to do to keep the kids entertained during the day - but she says that before every break from school, and then dreads when they go back. I have no doubt she will find something to do, and they all will have a great time! Sometimes, the quieter breaks with not lots of travelling are better. Our kids are so busy every weekend going back and forth from Nanaimo and then school during the week, that they will probably benefit from some quiet time as well. 

The boys are taking swimming lessons. T started out screaming at the sight of the water but now blows bubbles and puts his head in. R jumps into the water no problem and is thriving. Such a great opportunity for them! 

LittleR at the park with Glassman's hat - I forgot to pack hers. Actually she forgot to grab it from the van when she left, but I didn't double check. I lose some mom points. 

K's new favourite apparatus at the park. She loves sliding down these things, and trying to climb back up them. 

All 4 kids piled into the golf cart at Andrea's dad's trailer. We spent their first Sunday out there with them and had a nice hot dog and marshmellow roast. Our kids DO NOT like marshmallows. They clearly can not be related to Craftymama and myself.

I still haven't heard back about school. I know I made it through the first application process - that is I am qualified enough for the program. The second step is being approved by the faculty - that is what I am waiting for. Hopefully I'll know in 2-3 weeks. Eeeek!

My company, well not mine, but it is looking like we are going to be getting some huge investments from people in the USA. This would mean expansion into their market and the EU. This is great big news. I have been with the company since the beginning and to watch it grow like this is incredible. We are fine tuning our products to focus on Herbal Teas and Chocolates. Our brand name is Salvation Botanicals - so if you ever see us on your store shelves, be sure to give us a try - for me :)

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