Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Poor Kids

Our kids go to a waldorf school . This isn't a debate on waldorf. We pay for their schooling, so in essence it is a private school. I also went to a private school . Dont get me wrong, I never went without, we weren't poor. But I was definately one of two poor kids at the school. I wasnt angry, then or now, at my mom for being the poor kid - I was at a private school - of course the majortity of the people are richer than I. But I hated the feeling. I hated that I knew I was not as well off, and that I didn't have the latest uniform shit, or that my uniform pieces were hand me dows etc etc.

I dont want that for my kids. It was an awful feeling. Their school has a lot of clothing requirements. Things like no logos or characters Im totally on board with. Things like no jewlery - while I disagree with, I accept because it is a private school and it is their call. What gets me is all the requirements for warmth. They need rain boots, and snow boots, rain pants, and snow pants, light jackets, rain jackets, and snow jackets. They need a thousand different pieces of clothing. Our kids' boots are their boots. We layer for winter. I dont have the funds to provide four kids with 4 different jackets each. And I feel awful being unable to do that. Almost like Im a lesser parent because Im not providing the best for the kids in their eyes. Or I feel like shit about my job because if I made more money we could afford it.

Craftymama shares more of the views on warmth than I do. I agree with the priciple, just not the application. But even she disagrees with the extreme. Though I think she is being roped in on the whole Bog boots thing . Thankfully she has let the muddy buddy thing blow over. All the kids and parents have these two items - it like a cult Im told. Ive never actually witnessed it - but I believe it.

Glassman stays quiet - as he normally does. Guys just dont seem to care about the intricacies of wardrobe and class systems at schools. lol

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