Friday, October 7, 2011


The three of us are committed.

We have agreed to buy a house together. Well, that was the plan, but Glassman's credit wasn't good enough so Craftymama and me are buying it and Glassman will be paying into contingencies, and property tax etc with the intention of going on the mortgage in a year. The offer has been accepted and we have been approved by its just the inspection and what not left.

Its funny, not all that much has changed and yet everything is different. We still live with glassman, he still buys us coffee, we still get him stuff, and we still drink together occasionally. And we are getting this house together. It seems all very relationshippy - and yet, we aren't. There is that spark missing. To be honest, sometimes its still there. Sometimes I can see Craftymama and Glassman look at eachother and its exactly as it was before. Sometimes glassman picks me up and spins me around and its exactly as it was before.

We are creating a new breed of family - again. Its different, but it doesnt mean its bad. There are more people to love the kids - and thats really the most important. We are all happy - save for the few days here and there where we just get stabby and irritated.

Its weird, and its not weird and there are benefits and drawbacks...but here we are...again... Us3plus4.

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