Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Ethical Slut

Im finally reading this book . I love it! Im just past half way. I've already applied some of the things that it teaches, and its actually opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. Well, not entirely opened - more affirmed.

I particularly need to learn something from Limit Setting section. Basically its about recognizing your own limits, your own wants, and accepting them so fully that you are completely capable and comfortable of expressing those limits/wants to your partners. I am so not good at this. I have sex when I dont want to, simply because I feel like I should. Not that I am forced, its more that I know thats how my partners connect to me and express their love and I dont want to turn away their love. I feel uncomfortable telling them sometimes when I dislike something or its making me feel a negative emotion. I really need to get better at this.

What I also took thus far from the book, was how to argue properly. I love to argue - but need to improve my skills. So do Glassman and Craftymama, but I'm the one currently reading the book, so its more fresh on my mind. It also talks extensively about jealousy - something I experienced a lot of when the relationship first started. It was interesting to read something I had already processed quite a bit, and then be told that its okay to feel it, okay to express it, and that I need to own it. No one causes me to feel jealous, its my own doing - but people still need to be empathetic to my feelings.

I'm actually quite excited to be as open, honest, and free as I want to be...I have faith in myself that I didnt previously posess.

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