Friday, May 28, 2010

Communication Breakdown

There are issues abound in the house.

From what I gather that has been kind of discussed,

Glassman was made to feel segragated. He was frustrated with a spoken lack of patience on my part - though I hadn't reached the end of my patience yet, with a back injury of his. He feels I don't include him in budget things. He has not felt connected with either myself or Craftymama in weeks.

Craftymama is feeling homesick for the life she used to have. Guilty for doing this to her boys. Can't think of a workable solution to fix it. Frustrated with her husband for his inability to understand.

I am feeling underappreciated. I feel like I am living in my head not my heart and that scares me. I am feeling incredibly distant on a more regular basis from Craftymama, and Glassman and I are either awesome or we are right back to our old habits - this changes daily.

All of these things should be talked about, worked through, and dealt with. Alas, no one is sharing - so the feelings linger.

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