Monday, May 31, 2010

Oh What a Tangled Web We've Woven

So life.

I'm aware that's banned - even from my blog world.

Life has been a series of ups and downs. Craftymama has been having a really hard time dealing with R spending overnights with Cableman. It's getting harder and harder to drop him off. She doesn't want her boys growing up in two separate houses like she did. Neither myself nor Glassman can really stand seeing the pain in her eyes, or the epic meltdown from M when Cableman takes R away. It's hard on everyone. Personally, I feel overwhelming guilt because I believe that had I not given Craftymama an ultimatum (essentially) or made her realize how she felt than she wouldn't be in this situation. Alas, here we are.

It was always hoped that everyone could live together; even just a house with a basement suite. So that all the kids could see Cableman all the time, and so he could be there for all the little things a father wants to be there for in his kids' lives.

We have been discussing, lately, doing just that - everyone living together. It's falling more and more apart moreso than it's coming together. There have been accusations of cheating, there have been discussions multiple times over the same topic with no headway, and there has been much frustration. On the one hand, I am glad Cableman is communicating - Im glad we all are. But it feels like we are trying to convince him, or that he is trying to make himself okay with something that he clearly isn't okay with.

I'm actually at a point where I dont know what to do.

The boys need to be with Cableman - Craftymama cannot bear them to be living in two separate houses - Cableman can't handle seeing Craftymama with us - and I can't stand to see everyone so unhappy and miserable.

Something has to change. Someone has to compromise. Not everyone can win this time, someone is losing big time.

Introduction time

Cableman was mentioned in Craftymama's introduction, but should have one of his own as well. He is obviously married to Craftymama, and the father to M and R. He is incredibly sensitive, a people pleaser, and desires to fix everything for everyone. He is very particular about his things, and has collections of geekery. He is amazingly positive about life, and wants nothing more than for those he loves to be happy.

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