A date with J and a drink with family.
Obligatory morning selfie :) ------------------------------------------------ |
First I had to drop this guy off at work. I feel like I've been dropping him off for years. I guess it has been over 8 years now!
Then it was off to a doctor's appointment to discuss my fluctuating moods. The photo on the right is one that I have been obsessed with in his office - I'd honestly like to buy it.
I returned home to find K and M on the computer playing Minecraft and Craftymama, well, crafting.
I load J into the car, he gives me his serious face, but is really excited at getting to go in "Mii Mii's Car!"
When you are walking with a toddler we must touch everything and look at everything. This wall was not an exception.
Then it is off to Starbucks for an oat bar for J, a long time favourite, and a coffee for me. A day with a toddler is going to be a long day.
Then we went off to Value Village to get some winter clothing for the kits. J was fascinated by all the different vehicles he was allowed to hold!
Then we went to Beach Acres. I have done this walk with all the kids. All of them, save for BigR, have gone on my back. I love this trail. It is beautiful and peaceful and oh it just fills my cup. This may be the last time J lets me wrap him :(
Pretty waterfall - you follow this river all the way down....
....to the beach - where you can watch the boats come and go.
Handsome J climbed this big log to play his cars which he carried down the trail with him. Cars go everywhere!
Snack time in my car.
Then it was off to the mall for something to do. I got J a car cart because his little legs were tired from the big hike. He was thrilled - and then even more thrilled when I got him popcorn!
These are the moments I want to remember. His hand won't hold just two of my fingers for too long.
First we buckled....then we fell asleep.
So of course, upon waking at home he had to nurse.
While I created dinner. I made my version of some sort of chinese food and the kids loved it! I don't know if I'll ever be able to recreate it!
Shortly after our late dinner the littles went to bed with kisses and the bigs had their computer turns playing Minecraft and googling Harry Potter things - while the baby watches.
While I sit with my feet up. Entertaining a toddler out of the house all day is hard work!
To end the day we have some drinks - make some nachos - and watch Greys Anatomy.
A good day!
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