ive been struggling with bed time a little bit lately. LitteR goes to bed at 7, K and M at 7:30, BigR at 8, and J sometime between 7-8.
Bedtime is different here, they go to their rooms but they don't have to go to sleep. They can sleep when they want, so long as they are reasonable human beings. But they often complain that their bedtimes are too early, when compared to other people.
And I get it, 7 for an eight year old is early. But, she doesn't have to sleep. And that's why we have established that they go to their rooms at that time. If that were being made to have lights out and go to sleep, we probably would let them stay up later.
But the kids don't get this - they don't realize how awesome it is that they are in control of their own sleep habits. And really, they do an amazing job at it. I don't want them growing up thinking we were mean parents for making them go to bed when the sun is still very clear in the sky, but I also don't want them to lose that wind down time between household chaos and sleep. Selfishly speaking, I like having a guaranteed child free and work free hours in a day. If they were up until even 9, I think I'd feel a little stir crazy...
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