So I haven't posted in a month! I want to post more, but I don't find myself in front of a computer at home much, or craftymama is monopolizing it for her school. A lot has changed in the past month.
Ctraftymama had her first open house for Maple Hill , it went great, about 30 people came out, she had tons of questions and tons of interest. Her first session, a 6 week one day a week course as an introduction to free learning, is already full and there is interest for her fall full time program! It's absolutely incredible, I am so proud of her and how this is all coming together. She is even going to a course in Portland, Oregon in August with her business partner.
Glassman started working again - yay! He is working for the same company he worked briefly for last year. They are based out of Duncan but have a job in Nanaimo right now so it's been rather convenient for him. It's nice to have him working again. The income is great, and it's good for his mental well being as well. Though I am sure Craftymama did enjoy the extra set of hands around the house at times.
I have an interview with a funeral home next week, it was supposed to be on Friday but as the industry goes - someone passed away so they were called away to take care of things. I don't think anything other than networking will come of this as they did tell me they weren't looking to take on any apprentices at the moment - but its a great place to start. I am anxiously excited!
The kids are well - BigR has recently began reading up a storm, its like he wasn't reading and then all of sudden he could. It was awesome. He is current at a 3 day camp with his Scouts group on the mountain. K has been writing a bunch of songs and is really into singing lately, she wants to be a famous singer and perform on stage! M has been focused on minecraft lately, and he is getting quite good at it. While they are using his tablets he will just sit quietly building whatever it is that you build. I've heard how educational and whatnot this game is so that's cool - I don't get it though. LittleR, well, she is still into me and unicorns - those are her passions in life. And J..well J is is starting the weaning process and isn't too happy about that.
Relationships have also changed. Craftymama and Glassman are no longer in a relationship, so that means we are no longer a triad. At this point we are a V. I'm not really comfortable discussing the reasons why this happened, as it's too personal for a public blog, but it's beyond sad. I am sad for them, I am sad for me, and I am sad for us. We are committed to making this work as a family, no matter what the individual relationships look like, we are in this together and we all still love each other in one form or another.
Another change that has happened is that Craftymama and I are in an open relationship. I am not really sure what this looks like other than we are both free to have feelings or be more open to experiences with other people. Craftymama is currently in some form of a relationship with someone else, and me, well, I am adjusting. It was harder than I was expecting, and I felt different and more powerful emotions than I was expecting. However, I firmly believe in this, and I believe that I can overcome any feelings I have. Also, I believe that Craftymama and I can get through anything. She is always there to reassure me when I need it, which is wonderful.
As for me and another relationship, I am working on building my self confidence and self esteem. I want to learn to love myself. I have made great strides in this regard in the last month. I have begun to eat better and exercise, I've even joined a martial art, Kenpo, which is challenging me every time I go. I've picked up my guitar again. I'm going to a Borderline Personality Disorder Support Group. My meds are under control and stable. I'm doing all the right things and I am feeling better. I am reaching out to old friends and making new ones.
It's been a long time of living in the dark and merely surviving my life, it's time to start actually living it.
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