Andrea finished the bed! (and painted the floor, though I have no pictures of it!). It took the both of us to get the big mattress upstairs - it's a king sized and a very narrow, low stair case. We pretty much had to bend the mattress in half and then push and pull it slowly and painstakingly up the stairs. But we did it!
We slept in the room for the first time last night, and it was so nice to look out the window and see trees, and actual things rather than a 6ft fence that we saw out of our downstairs bedroom window.
Of course the downstairs bedroom is quite a mess, and still has our clothes and things in it, but we are working on moving that all upstairs. There is no room for an actual dresser in the bedroom so we have a closet organizer and are going to some how get all of our clothes in that. I still don't know how we are accomplishing this.
All that's left to do is the closet, trim, a few touch up painting spots, and new light fixtures. It's all slowly coming together.
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