Well, its mostly not painful.
We got M a pedal bike yesterday. He had been riding LittleR's run bike and had been doing so well. We intended to get him a run bike of his own but the guy at the bike store convinced us he would be ready for a pedal bike - and goodness was he right! Within like 10 minutes of having it he could go for 5 feet without someone holding on. Now, just to teach him how to get going! Im so so so so so so proud of him.
In typical sibling rivalry, R wanted his training wheels taken off (we hadn't even let M try to use them, we had them taken off before we even got home). He managed to go a good 5 feet as well, though slightly more cautiously in typical R style. I was quietly proud of him. Loud exclamations would just draw attention to it and I don't think he would like that.
R has also gone two nights in a row now without peeing his pants. So stoked for us and for him. For us because its less laundry to do, and for him because its gotta feel good to not wear a diaper at night both physically and mentally!
However...there have been a few pains.
K was less than stoked for M's new bike. She has this complex where everything should be for her, and as a result she flipped her sh*t when we brought home his bike. Like full on on the ground screaming. It didn't help that I snapped at her because I was frustrated with her for screaming and taking the moment from M, and Craftymama and I had gotten into a bit of a disagreement earlier so it was just all culminated in one frustrating moment.
R has also been painful. This stage of 6 is so hard. He is going through some growth stages, and some developmental stages which is typical for his age but it is such a challenge. In the quest to separate himself both from his parents for the first time and from the earth/spirit world he has become mean, and rude, and downright hard to deal with sometimes. He was such a quiet boy that it's hard to imagine him being like this now.I think that's part of our problem too. At least on my part. I keep expecting him to continue to be the boy he was at 3, when really he has doubled his age since then, and he is not the same kid. Expectations just make people frustrated and disappointed - and it certainly has in this case.
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